Tuesday 17 January 2012

My Idea

We started the project by given the 6 separate values of the 2012 Olympics individually and creating a mind map, writing keywords on what we personally thought per word. After that we gathered into groups and discussed each of the words and developed our ideas with our team mates that were lately presented as a pitch in front of the class. I thought this was a good idea as we could share each of our personal views to everyone to give them some inspiration for their moving image project.

Then we were set a task to create a moving image piece on the 6 values at the 2012 Olympics these were equality, inspiration, determination, courage, friendship and respect. The value I choose to take further into production were inspiration which I closely linked in with determination, I feel they are important values because inspiration can influence a lot of people  in life, for example people may aspire to be like an idol for their success and their determination to be in the position that they are in. 

After I decided on creating a piece on the word inspiration, I began searching for possible inspirational songs on this website - http://personalexcellence.co/blog/inspirational-songs/. 
I wrote down a list of possible songs I may use for my piece that I could adapt around such as 'you raise me up', 'true colours' and 'I believe I can fly'. 

For my idea I choose to create a short video that will last about 60 seconds, it will tell a story about a boy who is competing for a Championship Competition and while he his out training he has an accident and is told he is unable to compete. He doesn't take notice as this is his dream and trains himself back up. In the last scene it will show a lantern in the sky this clip will include a quote written on the screen saying, 'one mans epic journey to success'. Over the top 'I believe I can fly' by R Kelly will be playing as this song is about belief.

I researched and asked people I knew what they thought inspiration meant to them personally they came up with words such as future goals - jobs, people - idols, friends, family and objects- sun, rainbow. From this I created a mood board that reinforces this theme and these keywords, using all my personal pictures that mean something to me for example it shows images of family and friends that have inspired me to get far in life and follow my dreams. It also shows a few pictures of places that I have visited and I feel these show of the beauty and greatness they are.

On the 13th January I pitched my idea in front of the class and I feel like I got my idea across but may have complicated it a bit and feel that I should make it a bit more simple. Next time I think that I need to be more confident and approachable. 

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