Friday 27 January 2012


Overall conclusion
Overall I feel my final project was quite successful and includes many strengths and weaknesses. I feel that it has reached out to my target audience but it was a weakness that my projects were intended to be for the value inspiration but didn’t fulfil my criteria. I feel that I good have done some better camera movements and shots because it didn’t feel very clear or good enough quality and this made it not as professional. But overall I am pleased with my work and feel my video ran through quite smoothly even with a lot of different angle movements and positions.
Areas of improvement
For my next project I want to be able to stick to my main criteria and not changing because I feel this isn’t very good when changing but for this project it was open to change. But i feel I can stick to if I make sure my storyboards are going to work and will stand out to the audience and understand everything they expect. I want to make sure next time the quality is a lot better so it doesn’t look a low and unprofessional quality because then it will make a better impression. 

Thursday 26 January 2012

Transitions and Exporting

Today, I finished off my video by adding a few transitions to my work but not too many because it wouldn't make the video flow in the same way as it does. I feel these add a bit more effect and I put them in the most appropriate then left the other shots with a cut. I then added in my final page that included a quote that finishes the video we a positive and determined quote that would relate to the specific audience. After this I exported my work and then I had finished my video.

Wednesday 25 January 2012


Yesterday, I started my post-production process by capturing my footage onto Final Cut Express. I was slightly excused from this process as I had to help a fellow class member by being in their footage, this took around 15 minutes because I had to go down into the studio and preform a line that will connect into her value. Then I helped another class member by having a picture taken for their slideshow. When I got back to my work I started to look through my footage and cut down snippits to the little clips and add them to the timeline. From looking at my footage I have realised it didn't really fit the value inspiration and went mostly towards the side of determination. I messed round with a few of the clips to the storyboard and changed some of the locations into different area to make the video make more sense and to be more effective.
Today, I finished on with editing and after coming back to my work from the day before, I felt like I had to make a few changes I decided to shorten some of the clips because the video is fast moving with the biking it would make more sense and wouldn't get the audience as bored so quickly. Some of the clips that were in my video such as the magazine section I felt didn't work very well with my value so I deleted them and this gave me more of a feel of determination and hopes it reaches out to people. I added in my audio track that I decided to change to 'Tubthumping' by Chumbawamba because it felt a more appropraite song to the video and to the selected audience. I cut down the song to about the first 24 seconds as I thought the verse didn't fit well with the footage and weren't very appropriate. I fitted the words to the action for example when he falls off the bike it is matched to the lyrics 'I get knocked down, but I get up again', this also adds some humour to the footage. After that I have put in a fade to the fade out the music at the end and put in some text pages that crawl in and this adds the effect to the value and makes the video easy to understand. I then changed my quote at the end of the video to be a more of a determination as it gives of more effect and explains the video. Tomorrow, I am going to be adding a few transitions to each of the different shots then I should be finished to export my final video. I've also helped four other class members today with their projects by being behind the camera and having my picture taken and talking.


Monday 23 January 2012


 Today, I started shooting my footage at Cutgate, Langsett. I booked out a videocamera and tripod to enable to do this. The start didn't go to plan as I was running behind schedule as my cast had to collect their bike and set the bike up, for example pumping up the tyres. When I got to the location I started setting up at the top of the hill and started doing different locations and angles on the way down of several different hills and places. I think the filming could have gone better but was quite hard as weather outside was wet and the area was a bit slippy so it was quite hard doing jumps and other stunts. Next time I would like to do it in better weather so it is more safe for the cast doing several stunts and without getting hurt. I re-shooted some of my shoots as they went a bit uncorrect and wrong. When we got back I filmed the first scene in the house I felt this bit went well and was easy enough scene. I feel I could of done better with some of the camera angles and movements but I will watch my footage over and see if it wasn't good enough, I have Tuesday and Wednesday to re shoot my footage if any weren't  good enough for my final video.

Friday 20 January 2012

Signing Off

Thursday 20th January

Today, I got all my paperwork signed off and just had to add a few minor changes such as location places on floor plans and then I were able to collect my camera and tripod I booked out and I am aiming to try and record my footage over the weekend.

Pre-prdouctuon paperwork

Yesterday, Wednesday 19th January I created a storyboard to fit my treatment that followed the story of a young man following of his back after training and being told he weren't allow to carry on but he was determined to fulfil his dream. I added notes towards my storyboard about camera movements, camera angles, audio and dialogue so when I create my shot list and film I will know what happens in each shot and where to be for that shot. I found it a little difficult to put my idea into a storyboard whilst trying to make it look effective and finally decided to use a look that it would be a switch in camera so it puts us in the bikers position. After that I created a shot list in reference for my storyboard to make it easier on the day of filming this included putting shot angles, audio and the idea in each shot. I then found out the information from my cast to see what equipment and props that were needed and I put these into my breakdown sheet and were created for each different scene and location. Earlier on in the day I went to each location and made several floor plans to show where everything is and filled out risk assessments to make sure where all the risks are and what I can control this from any accidents happening. While I was their I took some production stills of the areas to prove that the area is safe and how it is like. When I got back I made a digital floor plan from google maps to make each place more accurate.

Tuesday 17 January 2012


Elements (Video):-
-       Watching – The start of the video will open up with the character on the computer watching a video of someone downhill biking on YouTube.

-       Training – The boy will be training for his championship competition on tracks around the countryside. It will be quite a fast moving scene.
-       Accident – It will show the boy biking then a match cut will be used of the tyres on the bike to show the bike jerking forward like he has gone over the handle bars. Sound effects will be used to when he hits the floor. We will then see a high shot looking down on him on the floor with the bike on top of him.
-       Newsflash – championship downhill racer injured while training will not be able to participate in competition.
-       Trains- determined to make sure he will get to the competition even though he’s told he won’t be able to take part and the unexpected happens. He tries pulling himself up but keeps falling off with not enough strength then successful gets there.
-       Lantern – Then a quote for fulfilling a dream.

Elements (Audio):-
The audio that will be used over the top will be ‘I believe I can fly’ by R Kelly.

I am taking a snippet of the song to use in my video:-

‘If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it

I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly’

I will be using a crash sound effect off garage band went he falls off his bike because it will reinforce the idea of him hurting himself.

The final frame of the video will include some text ‘one man’s epic journey to achieve success’.

My Idea

We started the project by given the 6 separate values of the 2012 Olympics individually and creating a mind map, writing keywords on what we personally thought per word. After that we gathered into groups and discussed each of the words and developed our ideas with our team mates that were lately presented as a pitch in front of the class. I thought this was a good idea as we could share each of our personal views to everyone to give them some inspiration for their moving image project.

Then we were set a task to create a moving image piece on the 6 values at the 2012 Olympics these were equality, inspiration, determination, courage, friendship and respect. The value I choose to take further into production were inspiration which I closely linked in with determination, I feel they are important values because inspiration can influence a lot of people  in life, for example people may aspire to be like an idol for their success and their determination to be in the position that they are in. 

After I decided on creating a piece on the word inspiration, I began searching for possible inspirational songs on this website - 
I wrote down a list of possible songs I may use for my piece that I could adapt around such as 'you raise me up', 'true colours' and 'I believe I can fly'. 

For my idea I choose to create a short video that will last about 60 seconds, it will tell a story about a boy who is competing for a Championship Competition and while he his out training he has an accident and is told he is unable to compete. He doesn't take notice as this is his dream and trains himself back up. In the last scene it will show a lantern in the sky this clip will include a quote written on the screen saying, 'one mans epic journey to success'. Over the top 'I believe I can fly' by R Kelly will be playing as this song is about belief.

I researched and asked people I knew what they thought inspiration meant to them personally they came up with words such as future goals - jobs, people - idols, friends, family and objects- sun, rainbow. From this I created a mood board that reinforces this theme and these keywords, using all my personal pictures that mean something to me for example it shows images of family and friends that have inspired me to get far in life and follow my dreams. It also shows a few pictures of places that I have visited and I feel these show of the beauty and greatness they are.

On the 13th January I pitched my idea in front of the class and I feel like I got my idea across but may have complicated it a bit and feel that I should make it a bit more simple. Next time I think that I need to be more confident and approachable.